Ayahuasca Center - Temple of Retreats - CUSCO

Our ceremonial Retreats Temple is built on an area of 1.000 m2, located 1 hour from Cusco city, its nice personal rooms and duplexes offer all comfort. Ayahuasca retreat in Peru.


Ayahuasca Center Retreats Temple - Cusco Countryside4.5


Our Retreats Temple is built on an area of 1.000 m2, located 1 hour from Cusco City; it's in a beautiful gorge ideal for retreats in the quiet, very energetic countryside, surrounded by 4 mountains to the east, west, north and south. In front of the Retreats Temple flows a river that descends from an Andean ravine.

It has all the conveniences required for rituals and retreats. Its very nice personal rooms and duplexes have several bathrooms, hot shower, you can also enjoy the heated pool and there is a wide lawn with a children playground. You can enjoy breakfast, lunch and dinner on vegetarian diet. Participants are allowed to explore the countryside, climb the mountains, walk along the river ravine, admire nature, its animals and plants.

As an option for our guests who fall in love with the Retreats Temple and wish to stay longer, we offer a country hotel: on the third floor there are 2 mini-apartments and 3 furnished rooms with independent bathrooms, ideal for spiritual people wishing to spend the days they want in a quiet place, where the only auditory and visual stimulation is nature, the sounds of the wind, the songs of the birds and other animals. We also have private cars available to take you to wherever you need. Ayahuasca Center. Ayahuasca retreat in Peru.

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The Light Ceremony Center

The very convenient, urban Ayahuasca CEREMONY CENTER is on the third floor; it's been operating for more than fifteen years and it's a 3-floor space, on 146 Herrajes Street, one block from Cusco City's Plaza de Armas (Main Square), half-block away from the J.W. Marriott hotel.

This is a brief description of the complex:

  • 1st floor: our main office, customer service desk (attention and booking); also, it works as a varied Andean, organic products store.
  • 2nd floor: there is a large, private ceremony room which is used to conduct the ancient Inca ceremonies or techniques like: cleansing of negative energies, reading of coca leaves, flowering bath, offering to the Pachamama (Mother Earth), shamanic and conventional massages and others. You can also find a wonderful variety of clothing, made by aboriginal Amazonian people, which displays amazing, unique Ayahuasca psychedelic designs; likewise, unique small and large tapestry with Ayahuasca-journey patterns, also made by Amazonian people.
  • 3rd floor: there we conduct our Ayahuasca ceremonies in a special, comfortable and private room; the maximum number of participants on each session is five. This is a very basic, economical service, for the participants sleep -comfortably and warm- in the same room. The quality of the session and also of the staff (Amazonian Shaman, trained assistant and translator) is exactly the same. The prices are lower just in relation to the infrastructure and location, which is not as elegant and ecological as in the Retreats Temple in Patapata's countryside. Ayahuasca retreat in Peru.

Remember: the quality of all our services is the same at either of our Temples, you get the same benefits from all ceremonies; the difference between prices is just due to infrastructure and location reasons.

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Customer Testimonials

Simona Jones

I spent a week with the Association of Peruvian shamans in their beautiful temple in Patapata. During this time I had Ayahuasca , Watchuma, Karpay and 5 Andean ceremonies, all ceremonies with different shamans. It was an unforgetabke experience, healing and enlightening that opened a new path for me. I also want to thank Johana and Amaru, who assisted in all the ceremonies and took really good care of me during my stay. I can not recommend enough their retreats.

Illinois, United States of America

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