Precautions Ayahuasca Wachuma - CUSCO

Ayahuasca is a sacred, magical plant. It is an Inca medicine and has mysterious powers which allow for incredible self-reflection and spiritual healing, connecting you with the forces of the universe.


Precautions for ayahuasca
ayahuasca precautions
ayahuasca peru precautions

Ayahuasca in Cusco-Peru

Who can not take Ayahuasca

City: Cusco

People who present any of the health problems detailed below, will not be able to drink Ayahuasca or Wachuma (San Pedro). We recommend that you bring a medical certificate attesting your good physical and mental health; otherwise, one of our doctors will perform medical exam the day before your Ayahuasca ceremony or retreat, at a cost of US$50.00. We suggest as an excellent alternative some of the Inca ancient rituals, such as reading of coca leaves, cleansing of negative energies, flowering bath, etc. We also offer a variety of very good Andean shamanic massages for physical and mental health. Ayahuasca retreat Peru.

Ayahuasca Contraindications

    1. Any type of heart problem: tachycardia, murmur, pacemaker, heart attack, surgery or others, the person will not be able to drink Ayahuasca. 2. High or low blood pressure.They should not consume medicines, these problems are responsibility; advanced diabetes, pregnancies. 3. Psychosis: people diagnosed or with signs of mental illness such as schizophrenia, paranoia, bipolar disorder or others can not consume Ayahuasca. The brew will trigger a crisis in this type of patients, it is not indicated for these cases. also cancer epilepsy and others. 4. Medications: in case of taking any type of medication permanently, you should consult your doctor about the possibility of interrupting treatment, for a minimum of 6 days or more, depending on the type of Ayahuasca retreat you wish to do. Similarly, in case of temporary treatment, Ayahuasca should not be mixed with drugs. 5. Intolerance to tobacco: the shamanic cigarette used in the ceremonies is pure Amazonian tobacco, it is part of a millenary tradition among the healing masters. If you are hypersensitive, please inform us at the time of reservation or before starting the Ayahuasca ceremony. Another solution is to reserve a private ceremony in which the Shaman will not use the mapacho (shamanic cigarette).
6. Consumption of alcohol and drugs: its mixture with Ayahuasca is completely contraindicated. In the specific case of cocaine, it will cause a stroke or heart attack and the death of the participant is almost certain. Use of these stimulants must be completely suspended at least 3 days before the Ayahuasca ceremony or retreat 7. Health conditions and risk in the ceremonies: We are not, a Medical Center or Hospital, so we are not equipped to handle a serious medical emergency, the center where the ceremonies are held is 25 minutes from the hospital. As the community of shamans is not responsible for your personal negligence, please report any medical condition you have before making your reservation. People who can not consume Ayahuasca, have the option of doing another type of ancient therapy.

In case of doubt about any other contraindication or impediment, please contact us and we will respond immediately so you can plan properly. Our Association of Shamans offers a professional and guaranteed service, of international quality. Ayahuasca retreat Peru.


Participants in the ceremony, may take pictures and record as long as it is not interrupted, it will be done by the assistant, to avoid distorting the ceremony. They will do so in complete silence, since the ceremony requires a certain degree of concentration among the participants and absolute concentration on the part of the Andean priest (Shaman). Wear warm clothing, rain poncho, a hat to cover the sun.

Precautions Ayahuasca Wachuma

The Community of Shamans of Peru is composed by Shamans of the Amazon and the Andes, and is a licensed, reliable and serious organization that teaches and practices original ancient techniques for physical and psychospiritual healing. Our Shamans are descendants of the original tribal Inca Healers. Their knowledge was transmitted from generation to generation, keeping the secrets and techniques of their ancestors, who have performed skillful healings through the centuries. One should be careful with Ayahuasca because it is not a game, it may even lead to death if the "Shaman" is not an authentic one. Therefore it is highly recommended to follow the diet and choose a trustworthy organization, as well as an experienced Shaman Master. A Master Shaman is one who can lead the ceremony, protect you from evil spirits, and induce harmonious visions and insights with the help of the ritual songs, achieving great healing and spiritual growth. The Community of Shamans of Peru dedicates its Retreats Temple to God and to the Pachamama (Mother Earth), by guiding people into the understanding of suffering, happiness and love. Precautions Ayahuasca Wachuma. Ayahuasca retreat Peru.

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Customer Testimonials

Simona Jones

I spent a week with the Association of Peruvian shamans in their beautiful temple in Patapata. During this time I had Ayahuasca , Watchuma, Karpay and 5 Andean ceremonies, all ceremonies with different shamans. It was an unforgetabke experience, healing and enlightening that opened a new path for me. I also want to thank Johana and Amaru, who assisted in all the ceremonies and took really good care of me during my stay. I can not recommend enough their retreats.

Illinois, United States of America

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