The Ayahuasca ceremony is a millenary healing wisdom for body and mind. It’s been done in Peru for many centuries.




The Ayahuasca brew is a millenary healing wisdom for body and mind. It’s been used in Peru by indigenous people, especially in the Amazon, to cure physical illnesses and psychological issues like traumas, anxiety, depression, addictions. One of the powerful benefits of the Ayahuasca retreat is its almost immediate access to the deepest, most repressed unconscious contents, which is key for a quick, effective liberation from mental diseases.

We are a Community of professional, experienced Amazonian Shamans, who in turn come from a lineage of healers: father, grandfather, great-grandfather and so on. Our Ayahuasca retreats in Cusco are conducted with expertise, safety, comfort and produce tangible results. There are many testimonials from patients who have had a really transformative experience in the Ayahuasca ceremony, becoming friends and regular visitors. Ayahuasca retreat in Peru.

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Ayahuasca Ceremony

Our Ayahuasca retreat in Cusco is done in two facilities:

At the Temple of The Light in downtown Cusco City, where you can do Ayahuasca retreats all year long, in our ceremony room on the 3rd floor. Each Ayahuasca ceremony is conducted by an Amazonian Shaman with the help of a skilled assistant-translator, in a warm, cozy, private place with everything you need for a great, successful experience of psycho-spiritual healing.

At the Temple of the Sun in Patapata, Andean countryside, 1 hour drive from Cusco City. This is a complex located in the middle of nature, surrounded by green mountains, woods, a river, within an atmosphere of quietude, peace, relaxation and strong natural energy flow. Likewise, the Ayahuasca retreats are done by expert Amazonian Shamans helped by a trained assistant-translator, in quite comfortable ceremony rooms with total privacy. The Temple also has lounge areas, big gardens, a children playground, kitchen and dining room, which are included in the package price; to and from private transportation, vegetarian meals and a furnished bedroom are also included.

The Ayahuasca Ceremonies in Cusco, Peru take place at night. People sit in a semicircle on either sides of the Shaman. Once everybody is ready, he rises, and begins the ceremony creating an energetic circle with the smoke of the Mapacho (pure tobacco cigar), to protect the place from negative energetic influences.

Once this is done, he takes the Ayahuasca and ceremonial objects and puts them on the floor, on a rug that will be the altar. He lights the mapacho again (it usually goes off if the Shaman does not puff steadily) and begins to sing an icaro.

Then, he takes the bottle of Ayahuasca and opens it. He takes smoke in his mouth and, pressing the bottle to his chest, repeatedly blows the smoke of the tobacco while capping the bottle with his hand so that it does not escape. He then closes the bottle again and leaves it on the floor. Participants drink the mystical liquid from their ceremonial cup. Now it is necessary to wait in the darkness and extreme silence for the effects of Ayahuasca to appear. They usually do within 20 minutes in the natives and about 45 minutes in white Westerners. This is called Mareación (Trance). Ayahuasca retreat in Peru.

The Shaman intervenes timidly during the first few minutes of the trance, where visions are still scarce. The Shaman can raise or lower the patient's trance at will as needed. To do this he has several elements:

  • Mapacho smoke.
  • Icaros
  • Flowery water
  • Camphor
  • Lemon
  • Laying of hands
  • The Shacapa

During the ritual some people vomit, others need to defecate, and others need the Shaman to lay their hands on them in certain places where there is disease. With it their bodies and emotions are healing.

Finally the Shaman will call the participants one by one. You will approach him and he will perform the healing. This consists in cleasing what is left of all negativeness, filling of the body with clean energy and seal it so it does not escape.

The ceremony ends when all the participants have been cleansed and healed.

People will refrain from eating food until 12:00 noon the next day, when the fasting will finish by eating some grated onions with salt and lemon.

  • Shacapa: Bunch of bound leaves that the Shaman shakes rhythmically to move the energy and set the rhythms of the ceremony.
  • Flowery water: Perfume made from herbs that is used in the Peruvian Amazon to clean people's energy. Rubbing a little on the face and sniffing it strongly helps to reduce the trance.
  • Camphor: Prepared liquid composed of brandy in which camphor has been dissolved. It is used as a protector against bad energies and envy. The Shaman usually sprays the patient's forehead with it.
  • Mareación (Trance): The Ayahuasca produces its energetic rises and falls in the form of waves that arrive and take us into the visions. These waves are called Mareación (Trance).

For a better experience of psycho-spiritual healing and development, you can book any Ayahuasca retreat with the additional ancient Inca techniques, which are: reading of coca leaves, cleansing of negative energies, offering to the Pachamama (Mother Earth) and flowering bath. These rituals will also be very important for emotional and spiritual growth; they are mainly based on Andean shamanic wisdom.

We are the best Community of Shamans in Peru, giving the top-quality service in Ayahuasca retreats, San Pedro, Inca techniques and more millenary Andean-Amazonian integral wisdom like massages and mystic weddings. Please check the website for an Ayahuasca retreat information and then contact us for having a life-changing spiritual journey in Cusco, Peru. Ayahuasca retreat in Peru.


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Customer Testimonials

Simona Jones

I spent a week with the Association of Peruvian shamans in their beautiful temple in Patapata. During this time I had Ayahuasca , Watchuma, Karpay and 5 Andean ceremonies, all ceremonies with different shamans. It was an unforgetabke experience, healing and enlightening that opened a new path for me. I also want to thank Johana and Amaru, who assisted in all the ceremonies and took really good care of me during my stay. I can not recommend enough their retreats.

Illinois, United States of America

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